Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I am Time Magazine’s Person of the Year

Thanks Time. Thanks for making me person of the year. Because I use the web I am person of the year along with millions of others whom I am sure have not made the impact on the web I have. I bet my blog has like 3 or 4 readers. And I do know that my page has been viewed 262 times as of this writing. I even have videos on I'm a web celeb. And I did all with out going out in public without any underwear on (at least on purpose).

The only caveat to being Time Magazine's person of the year is I can't leave my house without not being recognized. But as soon as I log in to myspace, whoa, Nelly!! everybody wants to be my friend. In fact, Kim Jong Il (number 2 in the voting) threatened to "nuclear test all over my IP address" if I didn't add him to my top 10 friends. So sorry, Kimmy. Those spots are for people who don't fall into the despot category. So be a nice dictator and go starve a village or something. Tool.

It's hard to believe I beat out the likes of the Hollywood elite, superstars of the political world on the left and the right and Leeroy Jenkins. I mean come on, that dude is a legend.

So again, thanks to Time Magazine, all those people who believed in me, my wife, my dogs, my mom, my dad, my brother, flabbyGuy1 and all my homies in the chat rooms for making this possible. Next stop: the Nobel Peace Prize.


Saturday, December 2, 2006

And I Still Have Space Left!

I've been adding and subtracting music on my zen touch mp3 player for awhile now and I fianlly have the stuff I want on there. Before I was carrying around every CD I had ripped to my hard drive which included a lot of stuff I'd never listen to. Plus I was down to only a few megs left on the zen. That's no good... theMike needs space for music.

So I reformatted the zen touch, upgraded the firmware and made sure I had all of music ripped. A few resets later I have the "meat" of my collection on my zen. Maybe with a bigger drive, I'll add the potatoes and salad as well. For now, it's all musical protein.

I finally got around to making the OMZ (on my zen) page work. The link is over there on the right hand menu. Right now it's an I-Frame and a ginormous html file. At the moment I can't think of a more elegant way to display it. If anybody has any ideas on ways to include large amounts of data that doesn't reside in a database, please let me know. I'm trying to be as user friendly as possible.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving in England - A weary traveller’s tale

My wife just posted an amusing story about trying to have a traditional Thanksgiving meal in England. It appears that once all the local colloquialisms were understood, a good time was had by all. Enjoy the read.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Where is the Beef?

Okay. I admit it. It's like pulling teeth going throught the creative process. With all of life's distractions it's a wonder I can find the time and peace of mind to type somewhat organized thoughts.

I've been pretending to be the artist/music person for some time now. Well, now it's time to put up or shut up. The year of 2007 will be the year. I'm planning some cool stuff.

  1. War Machine - This will be an EP of my electronic music projects from my school years at the univesity of Tennessee.

  2. In Out Thru - This will be a very limited, handmade edition of the CD I released under the "Blind Monkey Phil" moniker back in the glory days of

  3. Finding God in Zreos and Ones - The first official Intelligent Design Theory release. It will include "Reflections II" a remixed version of the orignal "Reflections" currently heard on and at the IDT myspace page as well as "Love on a Toy Train", an homage of sorts to Tangerine Dream.

So that's what is coming up in 2007. Stay tuned and I'll be sure to let you know where you can get copies, downloads, merchandise, etc.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

IDT now on

Itelligent Design Theory is now on I figure it would be a good way to generate some traffic as the CD nears completion. There are currently three songs featured there: "Reflections", "Love on a Toy Train" and IDT's remix of 4o1k's "Serious". More than likely, the best place to keep up with IDT news will be here. The network at myspace seems to be extremely sluggish the times of night I'm on it. If you do visit my idt profile, I'd be happy to be your friend.

Friday, August 25, 2006

“Harmless” or “Mostly Harmless”?

Now I have to unlearn my science? Crap. I'm not done forgetting everything I've learned in my years of schooling. Now I have to forget that Pluto is not a planet. Because I just learned that Pluto (or is it now pluto, sans the capital "P"?) is no longer a planet it will take me years to forget that.

You see, it's fresh on the learning stack. The learning stack is like a stack of books. It's easier to pull something off the top of the stack. The further down you go, the harder it is to remove something. The good news is if you have to go pretty far down to pull something off the stack, chances are you will put it back on top and it will be easy to remember until some room full of people wearing pocket protectors and lab coats saying "We have determined that Pluto is no longer a planet. Or a Disney dog. Snort! Snort! Snort!" (pushes glasses back up nose)

My theory on this conspiracy, and it is a conspiracy, is that all these guys have textbooks in publication and they want them changed from saying "Pluto is a planet" to "Pluto is a dwarf planet." Then they make more money as schools all over the world buy the "revised" editions. Leave it to astronomers and self involved teachers in the publish or perish world of academia to pull crap like that.

I'd hate to be a second grader coming home from school right after this announcement was made. I think the conversation would go something like this:
Mommy: "What did you learn in school today"?
Second grader: "We learned about the solar system. The solar system has nine planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus (he he he) and Pluto."
Mommy: "Well actually Pluto is no longer a planet."
Second Grader: "WTF?"
Mommy: "You see, scientists are smarter than everybody and else..."
From there the explanation drones on about how scientists and teachers don't make much money and they need extra income from the sale of textbooks because you can't get anywhere in the world of higher education unless you publish something. It's purely self serving.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Comment Spam the other other other white meat

Spam sucks. Email spam, canned spam, and I'm starting to loathe comment spam. Why, why why? Well, thanks to another blogger
I've sisnce installed a plugin to squash the idgits. I recently installed Peter Keung's anti-spam plugin. It uses word verification. So far so good. At least until somone creates some crazy-ass way of spoofing them. I created all my words based on cartoon characters. I haven't seen any comment spam since I installed it. Highly recommended. Thanks, Peter.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

I don’t like curry anyway

Outsourced Well, It's been awhile since I last blogged. (Is that a verb?). Much has happened. As I checked the date of my last post it was approximately over a month ago. Way too long. I really shouldn't make both my readers wait that long for an update/musing. The big news is my job was outsourced. I guess they have 3 or 4 underpaid, over zealous minions doing the bidding of the big corporate machine I used to work for. Am I bitter? Nah. I had been looking for another challenge for awhile. The "bangladeshing" of my position just motivated me to take a more active role in my job search.

The good news is I have a new job. I'm working as a contract Flash Developer for a small Atlanta based multi media company. It's a nice change of pace where you can be walked around in 15 minutes and meet everyone at the company. They eat a lot of cake at the new company. I think 5 people have had birthdays since I started 2 weeks ago. Free sodas too. Now all is left is beer on Fridays and mandatory Quake 3 breaks and the good ole days of millions of dollars in stock options and weeks of sleepless nights are back! I remeber when you could walk into a venture capitalist's office with "I'm going to sell (insert item, service, sex here) online" written on a cocktail napkin and walk out with a check for half the gross national product of Bhutan. Those were the days.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I Passed Gas on I-75 South. Sort of…

Well, I really didn't pass gas. I passed a billboard that simply stated "I pooted." I laughed out loud. Right in the middle of a Grand National song playing on XM Radio. Whoda thunk that a simple billboard could take the edge off a commute? I need to get me a camera phone. I would have posted a pic here for those of you in disbelief. If you google it you can find some pics.

Was this a frustrated sign designer's last day at work? Like they are saying "On my last day I'm gonna stick it to the man. I'm gonna design a big ass 'I pooted' billboard. It'll be funny. People all over the nation will laugh and blog about my rapier wit. Bwahahahah." Or maybe it was a well thought out ad by a tired ad exec's 12 year old son for baked beans. Picture the scenario: It's 2AM the night before a presentation is due and the ad exec has been through more failed slogans than he has fingers and toes when his son who is giddy from the lack of sleep due to a marathon chat session on myspace comes out cackling at himself and says "I pooted." Ding ding ding!!! Well, I had to find out.

Upon arriving to work I immediatley logged in and did a little "crack" research. It appears that billboard is part of an ad campaign by the Cartoon Network. Other billboards in other cities with the same crimson background and white letters read "I'm a Hot Toe Picker" and "Clowns Hate Tangelos". They appear to be from the cartoons "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" and "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" from the Cartoon Network.

I was disappointed it wasn't a disgruntled designer wreaking havoc with a national ad campaign.

Thanks, Cartoon Network for a delightful "gufaw" on the way into work.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Musical Tedium part II

UC33eWell, I've finally figured out how to control Tracktion with my UC33e. It makes mixing a track much easier. As I said in my previous post, I'm re-mixing my track "Reflections". I've got the track re-built and I'm now in the mixing phase. Since there are only nine tracks in this tune I'm able to mix most of it without having to change patches on the UC33e. I only mapped the volume faders and pan knobs. It really takes the drudgery out of mixing with a mouse. I plan on using it with VST instruments and everything.

Tracktion doesn't support the UC33e natively so I had to set it up as a generic controller. A lot of people copmplain about this saying that is the reason why they won't buy Tracktion. I have no problem. Like with everything else in Tracktion, it's stupid easy to set the controller up. It shows up as a USB audio device. You simply choose it then a screen pops up and you choose a parameter to control then move a fader, turn a knob or push a button. Done!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Rebuilding + Remixing = Musical Tedium

I spent a good part of yesterday's time in the studio rebuilding and remixing my track "Reflections". You may be wondering why. Well, I had a hard drive crash on me a few months ago. I was able to recover most of the data. The files that got corrupted were the .wav files from my Cubase project. I'm not sure why those particular files got cratered. I assume it was because of their size. I was planning on just getting the stereo .wav file ready for the new CD but I don't seem to have it. In fact, I don't think I ever made one. I just saved it straight to .mp3 or .wma. Fortunatley, I was able to also salvage the MIDI data from the track. So I've imported the MIDI data and all the loops into a new project in Tracktion.

I am now reconstructing the tune track by track trying to get everything laid out the way it was originally. I am missing about a minute or so of some improvisational audio. That's okay though. I was thinking about re-doing that section anyway. I was also thinking of re-recording some of the pads in Atmosphere but haven't stumbled across anything that sounds as goos as the patch I used on my Triton. So I still have some work to do. You can still get the original over at It's also getting some plays over at on their chillout channel.

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Damn George Lucas

I'm not buying it again. No. I refuse. According to an article on, soon you will be able to buy the original unaltered Star Wars trilogy on DVD. Enough! I'm sending out a cease and desist letter to Lucasfilm. I can't justify spending my hard earned credits on more Star Wars movies. I've already purchased the original Star Wars movie 4 times. 3 for the Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Let's see... there was the original CBS Fox release, then the Trilogy box set in letter box, then the Trilogy box set with the new and improved added material and finally (what appears to be only the penultimate) The Trilogy on DVD. Now another version is coming out? Say it ain't so, George.

But wait... Could this be the grand apology for the three lackluster prequels? The big "I'm sorry Jar Jar was lame. Still, listen closely, I AIN'T BUYING IT!! If I get it as a gift... well, okay. It'll be added to the collection. I might even watch it once or ten times. I just hope George can take pity on us poor souls and stop milking every last Kroner out of our pockets. Sheesh.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

The Art of the Mix Tape

mikxTapeI guess I never really thought about making a mix tape as an art until a few days ago. In my mind, a mix tape was just a few songs that you liked and would listen to for your own pleasure. But I now see how a mix tape can transcend mere "listening to music for pleasure" and just background noise to have on a long trip.

My wife asked me to help her create a mix tape. Well, make a mix CD. I thought she would pull a few songs she kinda liked (usually Broadway and big band music) and throw them on a CD for her drive to here current work site. Instead what I witnessed was a personal musical journey that went beyond "these are songs I know I like." She insisted that she likes rock music more than I think she does. She was extremely thoughtful and weighed each song against the others. Now there were a few songs she insisted on like Kelly Clarkson's "Walk Away" and "Since You Been Gone". Then she would add on "Church" by Lyle Lovett with the comment "you just gotta have that!" Another interesting song choice was "Box Set" by the Barenaked Ladies. That song basically lays out everything the songwriter is about and that is exactly what she did before we got married. She sat me down and told me everything that was wrong with her. She then asked "Do you still want to marry me?" Well, Duh. Of course I married her. I bought the whole "Box Set".

My wife then proceeded to sit at my computer and add other songs carefully weighing it's "Rockin' ness". She would pick something and the conversation would go like this:

Her: What's that Shania Twain song I like?
Me: That's country.
Her: I know, but it rocks.
Me: Well, it was produced by Mutt Lange.
Her: Who?
Me: Mutt Lange. He produced Def Leppard's Pyromania album.
Her: Do I like them?
Me: I don't know. I though you were going to make a disk of show tunes.

So we proceeded to add "Man, I Feel Like a Woman" and "That Don't Impress Me Much" by Shania Twain. She always made it a point to listen to a couple of minutes of each song before it was added the "mix tape". I was impressed with some of the songs she did pick out like Meatloaf's "Paradise by the Dashboard Light". Apparently a boyfriend of hers in college gave her a recording of "Bat Out of Hell" that she wore out. She even liked some of the songs I picked out like Jamiroquai's "Virtual Insanity" and the Art of Noise/Tom Jones "Kiss" remake.

So after about an hour or so, we burned the "mix tape" and she listened to it on her drive. I suggested she might want to get an mp3 player. I told her she could put 10+ hours of music on it. She asked "When have I ever listened to 10 hours of music?" Apparently it's not about "how much music" but "this is the music I put the thought into."

I guess it's all in the art of the mix tape.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

When Technology Flies

F-22 Raptor 01The F-22 Raptor has got to be the coolest plane I've ever seen. I work in an office building about 5 miles south of Dobbins Air Base where Lockheed does the final assembly and testing of the F-22. My side of the building just happens to face north so when I hear the roar of jet engines, I'm often treated to a maiden flight from a new Raptor. In fact, some of them have recently been flying sans the gray on gray paint scheme. It's kind of interesting to see. The color is a mixture of tan and dark brown. Most of the tan color consists of the radar absorbing material that the plane is made out of. The plane itself is a marvel to see. It's about twice the size of an F-16 and during many of the fly-bys the little F-16 looks like it's just about at maximum military power (as fast as you can go without lighting the afterburners) and struggling to keep up. One day I saw the Raptor hit the end of the runway and go straight vertical. I've seen an F-15 do this on numerous occasions at airshows. The Raptor outclimed the F-15 considerably. One of my neighbors works on the F-22 program and he said that one of the test piolots asked a flight engineer what they could do to fly the plane more effectively. The enigneer's reply... "Don't touch anything."

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Jumping on the YouTube Revolution

I've uploaded my "War Machine" video to YouTube. Everybody else is doing it so I thought I would post it and see what kind of response it generates if any. If you would like to find out a bit more about the video read about it or watch it here. I guess I'll see if I actually get any plays from among the volumes of videos that are already there.

Saturday, April 8, 2006

File under WTF?

I'm a pretty big Star Wars fan. The prequels... Umm... well, mediocre at best. Great eye candy, sucky writing. I know good ole George likes his creative control, but damn. "I don't like sand. Sand is rough". What? Did Darth Vader actually say that? What kind of dialogue is that? Any way, that's not the WTF part. The thing that makes me go WTF is the fact that Madonna may be part of a live action Star Wars tv show. I'm expecting "Hello Larry" in space if Lucas does the writing. But still, Madonna? Can't she go away and take Paris Hilton with her? Well, whatever. I'm not buying any more DVDs. I bought the original Star Wars trilogy no less than 3 time. I'm done. Instead, I'll spend my hard earned credits on The Gilmore Girls.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

I’m Glad I Didn’t Get the Tattoo

CD Review - Queensryche Operation Mindcrime II
My buddies and I saw Queensryche twice on their Empire tour; once in Chattanooga, TN and the second time in Knoxville, TN. We were in nirvana. We all had our own copies of Empire and Operation Mindcrime. Those of us who were completely obsessed had the EP, Warning and Rage for Order as well. We were stoked. Twice in one year we got to hear Operation Mindcrime live in all its progressive, ahead of its time, conceptual glory. I even bought a T-Shirt for that tour. We were all excited about the show. We even contemplated driving to Kentucky or some other point a few hours away to see them a third time. We were so mesmerized we even considered getting the Tri-Ryche symbol tattooed on our left shoulders. We refrained. Our lament was "what if they put out an album that sucks?" Well...

Operation Mindcrime II came out just yesterday. I promptly went to Circuit City on my lunch break hoping to get it for 9.99 as I was under the impression that is what they charged for new releases. I guess I got there before they put the sale stickers on. I paid 14 something after tax. Anyway, I'm not saying it sucks but it is definitely less than stellar. It's forced. The mix is thin. Vocal and guitar harmonies sound as if they were all recorded with the Antares Vocal Producer. There is no punch in the drums. The only thing that hit me in the face was how sophomoric the writing came across. The lyrics are forced and melodically parts sound as if they were written and sung by an aspiring songwriter ("choppin' brocc-o-lee") not an accomplished one. I'm one of the first ones to sing Geoff Tate's praises when it comes to vocal performances. I think he's got an incredible voice. He just falls flat on this one. As far as I'm conerned, the only two good tracks on this one are "The Hands" and "Fear City Slide". Both are clearly quoting musical ideas heard in the original Mindcrime.

I wanted to like it. It'll go on my Zen. I doubt very seriously it will even grow on me as Promised Land did. I have the utmost respect for Geoff and the boys. It was a very ballsy move to record this CD. I was okay not really knowing what happened to Mary and Nikki. In the words of Nigel Tufnel "best left unsolved." I think this is the last time I buy a Queensryche record without listening to it first. As for the tour, I *might* go see them live. They are going to do both Mindcrimes with live actors. That should be worthy of another blog entry. I'll save my money on the T-Shirt though.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Back in the Studio This Weekend

After a brief hiatus, I'll be back at it this weekend. I'm hoping to get some of my software functioning with my external controllers. In particular, I'll be focusing on the Korg Karma Triton software with my UC33e. For those of you not "in the know" that software version essentially turns my Triton le into a Korg Karma so I have access to all that algorithmic goodness.

I've got an idea for a couple of tunes that are more downtempo in nature. Plus I'll be *hopefully* finalizing the mix of "Deep Thought I" which is the newest track going on my forthcoming "War Machine" CD. Once the mix is finalized, it's off to mastering. I thought about doing a package deal for production but I think I'm going to do about 200 or so "hand-made" CDs where I'll send them out as ordered. If demand seems to be there, I'll most likely see about doing a Mass run of 1000 or so. I'm really hoping the digital distribution will take off work better than selling the physical CDs.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Once in a Forever

Take a look at the posting time for this little diddy. See it? It was posted at exactly 01:02:03 04/05/06. That will never happen again. Ever. Unless God pushes the reset button, this is a once in a forever deal. Far be it from me to not exploit something that only happens once.

Friday, March 31, 2006

ATTN: Internet Explorer Users: Switch to FireFox

This site works best in Firefox. There appear to be few bugs with the stylesheets and layout in IE. I'm working to resolve these issues. If you are in IE and you are looking for the right hand menu, scroll to the bottom. That's where it is.  Sometimes browsers are Stoopid. I recommend using Mozilla FireFox. It's smart. Apparently IE doesn't want to play nice and is currently riding the short bus to this site. That's okay, I'll fix IE's little red wagon tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Don’t Be Defined by Your Bumper Sticker(s)

I'm glad I'm not defined by my bumper stickers. I have none. On my way into work I passed a car with at least 1, 2, 3, okay 15 bumper stickers. Traffic wasn't too bad today so I was only able to read maybe two of them. Here are the ones I read: "My Goddess Gave Birth to Your God" and "I found Jesus. He was behind the sofa the whole time." Oh, and the license tag was IAMXENA. Okay I surmised two, nay, three things. Xena Warrior Commuter is more than likely an angry agnostic/atheist femo-nazi and the only reason she wasn't wearing her Live Action Role Playing costume was because she was going to work, it was being dry cleaned or it was being re-forged by Vulcan (Hephaestus for you Greeks). Oh, and maybe she's Greek or Roman. She apparently has a goddess.

What makes people put more than one or two bumper stickers on their cars any way? Is it to cover up the bondo or their insecurities. It's like they are saying "I've got something to say and since I can't articulate it myself, I'll let me car speak for me. Car, tell people how I feel about the world I live in."

Granted, all this may be a hasty generalization. My gut tells me probably not. If you don't want complete strangers finding out who you might be or profess to be, leave the stickers off your cars and SUVs. People are more apt to make a judgement call on your character by what you stick on your ride.

By the way... the most clever vanity play I ever saw was on a Corvette drive by a hot chick that read "WAS HIS".

The French Get Something Right?

I never thought I would utter these words but I actually agree with the French on this. The land of wine and stinky cheese won't be surrendering to the iTunes blitzkrieg any time soon. Accorinding to an article by John C. Dvorak over at Fox News, the French think that the proprietary structure of the iPod and iTunes is a load crap. I, for one, happen to agree. Don't make it difficult for me to buy music and enjoy it on my Zen Touch. Take my 18 hours of battery life and kiss my non iPod havin' hind quarters. I didn't get an iPod based on the fact that the battery life is less than grand. That and the fact that I had already ripped almost all my CDs to 192kbps wma files. C'est la vie.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Yes, Virginia, you can get a degree in electronic music.

I'm currently working on a CD for release shortly. This disc is to be titled "War Machine" It is a compilation of the "experimental" or "avant-garde" music I did while I was in school at the University of Tennessee. Yes, Virginia, you can get a degree in electronic music. Well, it's actually a degree in instrumental composition with an emphasis in electronic media. You can hear the title track (plus see a video) and one other called "Electric Dream" at my artist web site ( I'll warn you ahead of time... It is very experimental. The best category to put it in would be Ambient.

The point of the degree was to design one's own sounds then sequence them together for the final work. Fortunately I got into this just as software sequencing was beginning to come of age and direct to disc recording was in its infancy. Had I started a few semesters earlier, I would have spent hours and hours sequencing the "old school" way by splicing tape. I'm glad I avoided that arrow. It was hard enough working digitally.

I'm getting back into music in a big way now. I hope to be doing it full time. I will say that I'm not quitting my day job just yet.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Calculating Combat or Something Like That

I’ve decided I’m getting into the game software biz. Well, not really a “biz” per se, but more along the lines of gaming aids. I’m mainly doing it as an exercise in programming. Professionally I work as a Flash Programmer and I’m learning C# as well. I’m thinking up these little gaming aids that I can use while playing some of my war games. I believe that once I get them written in C# or ActionScript, it shouldn’t be too hard to port to other languages as well. I see people using laptops with gaming aids on them but I’ve never really seen anybody using a Palm device. Ultimately, I’d like to have a collection of “combat calculators” or “range finders” for various games I own. It will be a nice way to keep my programming chops up. I'll be sure to post anything useful here.

Monday, March 13, 2006

When Good Game Stores Go Good

I don't know what it is, but part of the appeal of going into a game store is going somewhere that's kind of a not a bad place to be but not a real nice one either.

My local game store (I say local when it was a good 40 minute drive with no traffic) moved from the location where I first discovered it. It used to be in this run down strip mall next to a Piggly Wiggly or Save Rite or some other kind of discount grocery store. It actually didn’t look like the safest place to be after dark either. You would walk in and it was kind of dingy. The carpet was dirty. The walls still had tape on them where various posters and announcements had previously occupied space. You could hear the cacophony of various games going on in the gaming area. A Magic game here, Role Playing there and always some kind of Warhammer something or other going on. Basically it was a place where a good deal many people would not feel that comfortable unless you were "in the know" or part of the culture.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Almost as Satisfying as a Smite Button

Well, I think I’ve figured out how to lessen traffic during the morning or evening commute.

I live in the metro Atlanta area. As many of you may know, traffic here is probably 3rd or 4th worst in the nation. A good many of the problems are at the fault of various things being spilt, dropped, sprayed, leaked, oozed or otherwise strewn about the interstate system.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Winter Games Are Over. Did You Notice?

Well, I, for one, thought the Olympic coverage was abysmal. Proof positive that the inmates are running the asylum over at NBC. It’s like they said, "Let’s show the US runs/jumps/races and then the people who actually won. I mean the Luge finals were boiled down to 10 minutes. 10 minutes! Only so we could get back to Michelle Kwan falling on her behind or some special interest story about some figure skater’s cousin who competed in a neighborhood match that took place next to an Olympic venue. Sheesh.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Well, I’m here…

Greetings and salutations! I know what you are thinking... "Crikey! Another babbling blogger. Just what the internet needs." Well, tough, I say. I've been wanting to do this for awhile so now it is getting done and that's that. Hopefully people will find some mildly entertaining thoughts here. If not, there's always!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Archived Studio Notes vol. 4

Soon I will have my first release ready to go. I already have a few tracks ready for mastering. I'm currently finishing up a brand spanking new track called "Deep Thought I". The CD will be mostly ambient and experimental and will consist of tracks I did while I was in college. I'm pretty excited about this. I plan on making it available through the web site here as well as on CD Baby and anybody else I can strike some deals with. I'm going to look into and other online download only sites as well. A friend of mine is currently working on the artwork for the cover. Normally I would do that myself but he's a pro and I wanted this to look great.
Stay tuned...