Saturday, April 8, 2006

File under WTF?

I'm a pretty big Star Wars fan. The prequels... Umm... well, mediocre at best. Great eye candy, sucky writing. I know good ole George likes his creative control, but damn. "I don't like sand. Sand is rough". What? Did Darth Vader actually say that? What kind of dialogue is that? Any way, that's not the WTF part. The thing that makes me go WTF is the fact that Madonna may be part of a live action Star Wars tv show. I'm expecting "Hello Larry" in space if Lucas does the writing. But still, Madonna? Can't she go away and take Paris Hilton with her? Well, whatever. I'm not buying any more DVDs. I bought the original Star Wars trilogy no less than 3 time. I'm done. Instead, I'll spend my hard earned credits on The Gilmore Girls.

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