Thursday, March 30, 2006

Don’t Be Defined by Your Bumper Sticker(s)

I'm glad I'm not defined by my bumper stickers. I have none. On my way into work I passed a car with at least 1, 2, 3, okay 15 bumper stickers. Traffic wasn't too bad today so I was only able to read maybe two of them. Here are the ones I read: "My Goddess Gave Birth to Your God" and "I found Jesus. He was behind the sofa the whole time." Oh, and the license tag was IAMXENA. Okay I surmised two, nay, three things. Xena Warrior Commuter is more than likely an angry agnostic/atheist femo-nazi and the only reason she wasn't wearing her Live Action Role Playing costume was because she was going to work, it was being dry cleaned or it was being re-forged by Vulcan (Hephaestus for you Greeks). Oh, and maybe she's Greek or Roman. She apparently has a goddess.

What makes people put more than one or two bumper stickers on their cars any way? Is it to cover up the bondo or their insecurities. It's like they are saying "I've got something to say and since I can't articulate it myself, I'll let me car speak for me. Car, tell people how I feel about the world I live in."

Granted, all this may be a hasty generalization. My gut tells me probably not. If you don't want complete strangers finding out who you might be or profess to be, leave the stickers off your cars and SUVs. People are more apt to make a judgement call on your character by what you stick on your ride.

By the way... the most clever vanity play I ever saw was on a Corvette drive by a hot chick that read "WAS HIS".


Unknown said...

IAMXENA is me. The bumper stickers are to open discussion, and to alleviate a little boredom on the road for those folks stuck in traffic. It's obviously worked.

Yeah, you're wrong about my being an angry agnostic/fem-nazi, but i'm not surprised you took that view. Read the newest sticker on the upper left. Ah, gotta love living in the South with all the open-minded folks.

I have a piece of shit car, and i like to cover it with some fun stuff. I'm college educated and I have, what do you know... A SENSE OF HUMOR. You should check into getting one of those. They're pretty cool.

I invite you to get to know me. WONDER OF WONDERS you might like me. If you don't... no skin off my nose. No matter what, the bumper stickers did their job - it got you to talking.

Freedom of speech my friend. Might be something worth looking into.

mike said...


Nice to meet you. Now that you have explained yourself I do appreciate the fact that you seem to be a fellow "pudding stirrer" as well.

First of all, I truly apologize as I never expected to get a comment on my blog. After all, I'm but a pixel in vast blogosphere. I meant no ill will and certainly would not have written that had I actually known you at the time (at least not without your permission ;) ) In fact, if you want me to I will remove the post.

I'm glad you are not a angry, agnostic femo nazi. I appreciate every one's freedom of speech and expression and I truly wish there was no such thing as a first impression. But given the frame of mind I was in at the time (beat down by the traffic and a sort of crappy job) I'm not surprised that the cynical, sarcastic blogger showed up at the keyboard for that post.

I too like to muck it up and often take the other side of an argument just to try to get people to see both sides. I now have a true appreciation for your expression and using your car to stimulate conversation. I get it now.

Funny thing is I just remembered about this blog when I was going through my google account. I think the last thing I posed here was around 2009. I happened to be reading the older posts and saw I had a comment. I thought that was pretty random.

So all that being said (I guess 5 years now in the making) I hope we can be random blog post comment friends. Again I meant no ill will and would most certainly remove the post if you would like me to. Especially if other people know you as IAMXENA and have read this and take any offense.

Cheers -- M