Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I am Time Magazine’s Person of the Year

Thanks Time. Thanks for making me person of the year. Because I use the web I am person of the year along with millions of others whom I am sure have not made the impact on the web I have. I bet my blog has like 3 or 4 readers. And I do know that my page has been viewed 262 times as of this writing. I even have videos on I'm a web celeb. And I did all with out going out in public without any underwear on (at least on purpose).

The only caveat to being Time Magazine's person of the year is I can't leave my house without not being recognized. But as soon as I log in to myspace, whoa, Nelly!! everybody wants to be my friend. In fact, Kim Jong Il (number 2 in the voting) threatened to "nuclear test all over my IP address" if I didn't add him to my top 10 friends. So sorry, Kimmy. Those spots are for people who don't fall into the despot category. So be a nice dictator and go starve a village or something. Tool.

It's hard to believe I beat out the likes of the Hollywood elite, superstars of the political world on the left and the right and Leeroy Jenkins. I mean come on, that dude is a legend.

So again, thanks to Time Magazine, all those people who believed in me, my wife, my dogs, my mom, my dad, my brother, flabbyGuy1 and all my homies in the chat rooms for making this possible. Next stop: the Nobel Peace Prize.


Saturday, December 2, 2006

And I Still Have Space Left!

I've been adding and subtracting music on my zen touch mp3 player for awhile now and I fianlly have the stuff I want on there. Before I was carrying around every CD I had ripped to my hard drive which included a lot of stuff I'd never listen to. Plus I was down to only a few megs left on the zen. That's no good... theMike needs space for music.

So I reformatted the zen touch, upgraded the firmware and made sure I had all of music ripped. A few resets later I have the "meat" of my collection on my zen. Maybe with a bigger drive, I'll add the potatoes and salad as well. For now, it's all musical protein.

I finally got around to making the OMZ (on my zen) page work. The link is over there on the right hand menu. Right now it's an I-Frame and a ginormous html file. At the moment I can't think of a more elegant way to display it. If anybody has any ideas on ways to include large amounts of data that doesn't reside in a database, please let me know. I'm trying to be as user friendly as possible.