Wednesday, August 30, 2006

IDT now on

Itelligent Design Theory is now on I figure it would be a good way to generate some traffic as the CD nears completion. There are currently three songs featured there: "Reflections", "Love on a Toy Train" and IDT's remix of 4o1k's "Serious". More than likely, the best place to keep up with IDT news will be here. The network at myspace seems to be extremely sluggish the times of night I'm on it. If you do visit my idt profile, I'd be happy to be your friend.

Friday, August 25, 2006

“Harmless” or “Mostly Harmless”?

Now I have to unlearn my science? Crap. I'm not done forgetting everything I've learned in my years of schooling. Now I have to forget that Pluto is not a planet. Because I just learned that Pluto (or is it now pluto, sans the capital "P"?) is no longer a planet it will take me years to forget that.

You see, it's fresh on the learning stack. The learning stack is like a stack of books. It's easier to pull something off the top of the stack. The further down you go, the harder it is to remove something. The good news is if you have to go pretty far down to pull something off the stack, chances are you will put it back on top and it will be easy to remember until some room full of people wearing pocket protectors and lab coats saying "We have determined that Pluto is no longer a planet. Or a Disney dog. Snort! Snort! Snort!" (pushes glasses back up nose)

My theory on this conspiracy, and it is a conspiracy, is that all these guys have textbooks in publication and they want them changed from saying "Pluto is a planet" to "Pluto is a dwarf planet." Then they make more money as schools all over the world buy the "revised" editions. Leave it to astronomers and self involved teachers in the publish or perish world of academia to pull crap like that.

I'd hate to be a second grader coming home from school right after this announcement was made. I think the conversation would go something like this:
Mommy: "What did you learn in school today"?
Second grader: "We learned about the solar system. The solar system has nine planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus (he he he) and Pluto."
Mommy: "Well actually Pluto is no longer a planet."
Second Grader: "WTF?"
Mommy: "You see, scientists are smarter than everybody and else..."
From there the explanation drones on about how scientists and teachers don't make much money and they need extra income from the sale of textbooks because you can't get anywhere in the world of higher education unless you publish something. It's purely self serving.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Comment Spam the other other other white meat

Spam sucks. Email spam, canned spam, and I'm starting to loathe comment spam. Why, why why? Well, thanks to another blogger
I've sisnce installed a plugin to squash the idgits. I recently installed Peter Keung's anti-spam plugin. It uses word verification. So far so good. At least until somone creates some crazy-ass way of spoofing them. I created all my words based on cartoon characters. I haven't seen any comment spam since I installed it. Highly recommended. Thanks, Peter.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

I don’t like curry anyway

Outsourced Well, It's been awhile since I last blogged. (Is that a verb?). Much has happened. As I checked the date of my last post it was approximately over a month ago. Way too long. I really shouldn't make both my readers wait that long for an update/musing. The big news is my job was outsourced. I guess they have 3 or 4 underpaid, over zealous minions doing the bidding of the big corporate machine I used to work for. Am I bitter? Nah. I had been looking for another challenge for awhile. The "bangladeshing" of my position just motivated me to take a more active role in my job search.

The good news is I have a new job. I'm working as a contract Flash Developer for a small Atlanta based multi media company. It's a nice change of pace where you can be walked around in 15 minutes and meet everyone at the company. They eat a lot of cake at the new company. I think 5 people have had birthdays since I started 2 weeks ago. Free sodas too. Now all is left is beer on Fridays and mandatory Quake 3 breaks and the good ole days of millions of dollars in stock options and weeks of sleepless nights are back! I remeber when you could walk into a venture capitalist's office with "I'm going to sell (insert item, service, sex here) online" written on a cocktail napkin and walk out with a check for half the gross national product of Bhutan. Those were the days.