Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's in the way that you use it

Or so Eric Clapton sings as Paul Newman and Tom Cruise smack pool balls around "The Color of Money."

All two of you who read this blog have probably read my last two posts complaining about Apple and their seemingly nonchalant ways to fix a pretty serious problem. In fact, 25 pages and some 44,000 views later on the EFI Firmware thread over at the Apple Forums still nothing has been done.

It's in the way that you use it. That's why the problem has come about. Everybody who has solved their problem without help from Apple seem to be mostly PC users also. Although it has been solved, the computer hardware will not be running at its full potential. The hardware has to be crippled to operate effectively on the Mac side of the dual boot set up.

We PC users are not afraid to crack the case and get our hands dirty. We don't use computers like the typical apple customer. The typical apple customer buys a Mac and uses it straight out of the box because of how easy it is to use. They (mostly) use it for email, surfing, design and liberal blogging. Careful not to spill your triple-half-caf-grande-chocolate-decaf-with-a-dash-of-smugness on your keyboard while you are extolling the virtues of universal health care.

PC users... We're power users. We've learned from day one how to crack open the case of our computers and swap video cards, set jumpers, install more memory and essentially raise the computer from the dead. True all we have is windows but that's half the fun. We tweak settings until the wee hours of the night just so we can run freakin' solitaire. We suffer for our technology and have paid that debt with scrathced knuckles and sweaty ears due to hours on the phone with tech support.

The point is, being a non-Luddite and not afraid to "do stuff that might void the warranty" I want to hot rod my new MBP (Mac Book Pro) to make it mine and not like every other Mac owner out there. I'm not afraid of the inner workings. But to punish me because you [Apple] screwed over tens of thousands of users for wanting to soup up our machines so we can use them the way we want. "We don't support third party drives" BS I cry! The drive I bought to replace the one it came with happened to be the exact same Manufaturer and model as the one I pulled out. It was just bigger. Sucks to you. I don't want to be like every other fan boy out there and say "Well, that's okay I'll just wait til they fix it I love Apple and Steve Jobs It's so easy blah blah blah." Even the "genious," so called, in the Apple store gave me wrong information about using bootcamp. Tool.

I want to like it. I really do. I want to do some iPhone development. That's one of the reasons I got it. I also like the unibody design. I like the ability to have both OS's available at any given time. That's helpful being a musician and developer. Plus now I don't have to re-purchase all of my software.

That being said after about a week of reading posts and what not my FrankenBook is back. The hardware is not living up to its potential but that's not my fault. Those are the parameters I have to operate under until a certain fruit company wakes up and smells the tofu. I boot straight into windows and rarely see the Apple side. That's the way I roll.

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