Monday, March 26, 2007

Hello. Mr. Obvious?

Yeah. Hi. Long time listener first time caller. I wanna talk about Anna Nicole. I know it's been done to death just like she has but they released the autopsy report. Right. It was an accidental overdose. Read bout it here. Apparently her butt got infected. I don't think it was from some guy but from shots she was taking in her rear. Yeah. No wonder she seemed so F-ed up all the time. Even though some of the drugs were not in her name they were all meant for her. Strange.

I'm going to wait and see what kind of reality series her duaghter will have. I'd call it "Who's my Rich-Ass Daddy?"

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

2/3 the Bond and all the Poker

I went to my local Wal-Mart the other day to pick up the latest Bond adventure, "Casino Royale". I was particularly excited about getting it at Wal-Mart because the DVD box set came with a limited edition poker set that was designed after the cards and chips used in the movie. I'm not a poker player but I like having the occasional Bond collectible around. Man was I disappointed.

The only version of the movie that came in the box set was the full-screen version. What a rook! When will people realize that movies should be seen the way directors and cinematographers intend them to be seen? Listen people, uncle Mike is here to educate. Love the black bars on your TV set or get a 16x9 set. If you go pan and scan, you only get 2/3 of the shot. Here's an example from Star Wars:

Pan and Scan:

Original Aspect Ratio:

images from

So, as you can see, you are missing a good deal of the shot. So let's get with the program and view the films the way they were meant to be viewed. There is a reason the shots are framed a certain way. The film maker is telling a story. Think of it this way: How would you feel if you went to the book store and got a book but when you get home to read it you find that 1/3 of it is missing?

Needless to say I didn't get the poker set. That's okay I got all the Bond though.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Are American Idol Voters Retarded?

Haley over Sabrina? Sanjaya over Sundance? WTF? At least Antonella is gone. She was horrid. I guess the naked pictures kept her around for an extra 15 minutes of of fame. I can see Haley sticking around a bit. She's hot. Sabrina is a much better singer though. Heads above Haley. Now I didn't see the guys sing on Tuesday night. I was watching the "Gilmore Girls." So unless Sanjaya tore up "Waiting on the World" by John Mayer he was even less deserving of being in the top 12 than Haley. Judging from the Randy, Paula and Simon's expression he probably stunk up the place like he did last week. Personally, I think Sanjaya has been "outsourcing" his voting. I'm thinking he called up all his hacker friends that are now over here working and they are somehow gaming the system. If he wins, I smell an Idol conspiracy.

Farewell Sundance. Don't worry, you'll get a job. And a recording contract and whatever else. You got it goin' on dawg.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Gimme another beer

Now if I just had an easy chair with a built in toilet it would compliment my robotic beer fridge quite nicely...