Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I try not to be political but…

Just damn.

Okay Music Industry. We get it. You don't like President Bush. The Dixie Chicks cleaned up. Well, good for them. Our guys are defending their right to say what they want. That is what makes this country great. As Voltaire supposedly said: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." The entertainment industry has said it. And said it and said it. Move on already. It is what it is. I don't need every anti Bush or anti war song/album or whatever winning a freakin' Grammy because they are trying to send a message. Hell, one of our worst presidents ever even won one for Best Spoken Word. It was a tie for first! How's that for twisting the knife? IT was like the Grammy voters were saying "Let's try to find one more way to get our point across."

What is it with entertainers and their fascination with all things liberal? I just don't get it. I know throughout history art and music has sparked controversy but I can't think of a time when it has been so "in your face". I guess it's the media world we're living. Live and die by the sound-bite. Just take me back to the days when everyone would bitch and moan for a few days then get over it.

And another thing: here it is two years from another national election. TWO YEARS. Why all the campaigning already? I'm going to be so sick and tired of all the rhetoric, name calling, flip flopping and just plain meanness I'll be hard pressed to vote for somebody because they annoyed me the least. Suffice to say I'm pretty agitated by all this. Wait til the Summer before the election before you start stumping.

For now, just go away and shut yer pie hole. That goes for you too, Republicans!

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