Thursday, September 22, 2005

Archived Studio Notes vol. 1

"Come on. All the cool kids are doing it." So yet another blog is created in the infinite expanse of the Internet. I'm writing this one to track the progress of various projects going on here in the studio. Plus I hope to share what limited insight I have into music that happens to be different from some one else's. Also, I plan on using this "blog area" to talk about the different kinds of music I'm listening to. If there is ever a tour, business trip, funny event or circumstance, it will probably be written about here.

This is far from being a formal blog with archives, trackbacks, comments, etc. My hosting company offers a free install of wordpress so I am looking into that. It shouldn't be too awfully tricky to set up and integrate with my site. Once I get all "formalized" it'll make it easier for those of you who wish to subscribe to do so. Until then, just check back every so often.

I have set up an affiliation with If you click through and make a purchase of gear on their site, all the proceeds go to support the work I'm doing here. So if you like what you hear and see, consider purchasing some gear. (link will open in a new window)

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