Sunday, May 3, 2009

I kow I need to lose weigh but these last 80 pounds are killing me

Usually that is a reserved statement for the last 5 or so pounds. I've decided it is time to whip my hiny into shape.

I aim to lose 80 pounds or maybe a little more over the next who knows how long. I think it would be cool to have a ripped 6 pack but in order to do that you have to have your body fat below 10% and that isn't really that healthy so I'll settle for for body fat somewhere below 20%.

I thought about it the other day. 80 pounds. That's 5 16 pound bowling balls at the bowling alley. That's like trying to carry both of my puppies at once. Seems like a long way to go from 255 but I know I can do it.

I'm thinking about blogging the process with the (ugh!) before picture and the (Damn!) after picture. Plus a few shots here and there in between. I'm hoping by doing that I can keep myself honest and motivated.