Friday, October 7, 2005

Intelligent Design Theory on Demo Reels

Intelligent Design Theory has music on a demo reel. An animator friend just updated his web site with his old demo reel and IDT wrote and recorded music for it. Check it out over at (link will open in a new window) You'll need QuickTime to view the movie.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Archived Studio Notes vol. 2

Cubase SX 3.0 is up for sale. (see the studio page) Why? I really want to simplify life in my studio. Having a full time job, wife, house, and other obligations, I really want to be able to just write and record music when I get time. Cubase complicates things. I updated my sound drivers and Cubase wouldn't boot until I re-ran the ASIO set up. I didn't figure that out until about 30 minutes later. Oh and to add to it all, after I re-installed the sound drivers, my computer would hang for about 2 minutes on boot-up. Not the fault of Cubase as I had previously thought. The culprit was my M-Audio MIDI Man 4x4. No big whoop. I just had to re-install those drivers as well.

Now we're golden, right? WRONG. Cubase, in it's infinite wisdom (or my lack of), doesn't have my audio and MIDI inputs configured any more. So another 30 minutes monkeying around with that I finally give up and do my recording for the day in ACID Pro. All I want to do is sit down and write and record. To me, Cubase isn't all that intuitive. I guess Germans are wired different and think differently.

I've switched to Mackie's Tracktion 2.0. That program is "stoopid" easy to use. The first time I installed it, I ran through the set up and everything worked flawlessly. I've started another track idea that may or may not make on to the CD. One thing I am doing is remixing "Reflections" in Tracktion. I had a hard disk crash a couple of months ago and lost some of the big audio files for "Reflections". Fortunately I recorded my performances with MIDI so the whole track is going to be salvageable. A "Reflections" remix is on the way.